New creatures from Brazil about to replace men.
The Land of Mist picks up some of the characters who discovered an island full of prehistoric creatures in Conan Doyle’s The Lost World, and sets them exploring the even stranger world of ghosts and spirits.
short story
A fisherman catches a mermaid in his net. He soon falls in love and wants to marry her, but the conditions lead to a twist to the story.
This is a story of two men – one who was a devoted friend and the other whose notion of friendship left something to be desired.
Sun Tzu’s ancient book of strategy and psychology has as much to tell us today as when it was first written 2,500 years ago. In a world forever at odds, his rules for anticipating the motivations and strategies of our competitors never cease to inspire leaders of all kinds.
A boy befriends the mysterious Lady North Wind and accompanies her on assignments. While some seem bad, the overall message is one of good.
Newly understanding that his beauty will fade, Dorian expresses the desire to sell his soul, to ensure that a portrait of him, rather than he, will age and fade. The wish is granted, and Dorian pursues a libertine life of varied amoral experiences while staying young and beautiful; all the while...